Specialized in ML Development and Python and an aspiring Web Developer.
I would like to believe that I have quite a good understanding of Machine Learning and basic Algorithms that a good ML Developer should know.
I started Learning Python in my First Year of college and i have learned all the basics in Python and i try to stay up to date.
I am still a Learner i have a few basic projects and I have created this Website myself by taking inspiration from few others.
I am still at the very basics started to learn not so long ago i hope to get better with time.
This is what I have achieved so far in my life.
Years Old
I Love making cool stuff that's easy to use .
Some Cool Projects of Mine
This was a project I decided to make as one of my very first complex projects this can be used to detect handsigns and convert them to text.
This was a Project that I made for a Hackathon where one can detect Diseases in a plant and the recommend the best crops for a particular soil type just with help of a photo.
I made this while getting bored in my hostel room where i was eating,sleeping and getting fat and that is when i decided it's time to get fit and what better than using ML and AI to get me in shape.
I made this object detction app using YOLO V5 along with this I made a lot of other features that can help detect if a person is wearing a mask it could count the number of people in crowd and many more such small features.
I love watching Movies but i have always had the problem of selecting the right one and i end up wasting a lot of my time in that so i made a movie Recommendation App using Collabrative Filtering that takes care of this problem for me.
I love Playing Chess but to be honest I am pretty bad at it. AI Chess is nothing new but it has helped me Learn a lot I used the NEGAMAX,MINMAX and a few other such algorithms i got my inspiration from a few other projects that people have made and tried to make one for myself.
I am available all the time for any project according to my skills.
My gmail id : tejasabhuday@gmail.com